We depend on the support of generous donors like you. By providing support to the caregivers, Caregivers Alberta uplifts our entire economy, community and families.

Your donation helps provide relief to the almost one million Albertans as they care for a family member or friend dealing with the challenges of illness, disability or aging.

Ways to Give

Online Donation

With your generous donation, you help support programs that empower and uplift caregivers across the province. You are a vital part of our community, supporting the almost one million Albertans who assist a family member or friend dealing with the challenges of illness, disability or aging.

Donate Your Car

Donate a Car Canada accepts vehicle donations for Caregivers Alberta. Free towing is provided in most areas across Canada or you can drop off your vehicle to maximize your donation. When you donate your car, truck, RV, boat or motorcycle to Caregivers Alberta through Donate A Car Canada, you enable family caregivers to participate in programs such as COMPASS for the Caregiver, Caregiver Coaching, education, peer support, and many other valuable programs.