The purpose of this policy is to establish Caregivers Alberta’s expectations for acceptable use of information technology systems.

  1. SCOPE

Applies to Board of Directors, Management, Employees (FT, PT, Temporary, Casual), Contractors, Volunteers and Students.


3.1.      All Caregivers Alberta personnel mentioned above are responsible for ensuring the security and integrity of their devices and internet use by ensuring specifications regarding Anti-Virus and Internet Security Tools, use of VPN tools etc. are kept up to date.

3.2.      Caregivers Alberta management and the Executive Director are responsible for requesting investigations into violations of this policy.

3.3.      Caregivers Alberta information technology systems shall be used primarily for work purposes.

3.4.      Limited personal use is permitted provided it complies with all policies and does not disrupt business functions or increase Caregivers Alberta’s costs.

3.5.      Use of Caregivers Alberta information technology systems does not guarantee user privacy.

3.6.      All information technology systems including data, email, hardware, and software, are owned by Caregivers Alberta.

3.7.      All information technology systems, including data, email, hardware, and software shall be used in a responsible manner.

3.8.      All information technology systems used by the employee are expected to reflect high ethical standards and mutual respect and civility.

3.9.      Use of Caregivers Alberta information technology systems for disruptive, fraudulent, harassing, threatening, obscene (including but not limited to racist, profane, pornographic in nature, or malicious purposes is strictly prohibited.

3.10.    Examples of unacceptable use include but are not limited to:

  • Unauthorized access
  • Excessive resource consumption
  • Copyright or license violations
  • Theft of data, unauthorized disclosure, or modification of data
  • Vandalism
  • Unauthorized commercial use
  • Objectionable content

3.11.    Caregivers Alberta reserves the right to access, monitor and record both stored or in-transit data and the email use when there is suspected or alleged impropriety, a business need for access in the absence of an employee, a request under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, or as otherwise required by law.

3.12.    Staff shall be sensitive to the open nature of the office and that their information technology systems use may be seen by others.

3.13.    Staff shall respect intellectual property, copyrights, and licenses to software, entertainment materials, published and unpublished documents, and any other legally protected digital information.

3.14.    Staff shall be aware of security risks of information technology use, such as viruses, Trojan horses, and spyware.

3.15.    Staff shall not visit untrustworthy websites or download programs and applications without the consent of IT.

3.16.    If staff are unsure about the security of a site or program, they shall contact IT.

3.17.    IT shall install and maintain all software. Staff shall request software and application access from IT.

3.18.    Caregivers Alberta shall monitor the use of information technology systems for security and integrity of its systems, including through the use of firewalls, proxies, and website filtering programs.

3.19.    Staff who attempt to circumvent or disable these security measures shall be subject to disciplinary actions under the HR 1.05 Performance Improvement Policy.

3.20.    IT has the responsibility to take immediate action in the event Caregivers Alberta systems are at imminent risk.

3.21.    IT may examine files, passwords, accounting information, data, and any other material that may aid in an investigation of possible abuse or security risk.

3.22.    With the approval of the Executive Director, IT has the right to suspend or modify users’ access privileges to Caregivers Alberta information technology systems.

3.23.    Caregivers Alberta shall protect information against unauthorized disclosure.

3.24.    Staff who violate this policy shall be subject to disciplinary actions under HR 1.05 Performance Improvement Policy.

3.25.    Caregivers Alberta reserves the right to investigate unacceptable use of information technology systems and data.


Privacy concerns?

Contact the Executive Director at office@caregiversalberta.ca.